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2017 Yearly Horoscope Vedic Astrology

What does the year 2017 hold for you in Vedic Astrology?  Use your Vedic Lagna (Ascendant) and/or Vedic Moon sign to find out.  

If you don't know where your Vedic Lagna or Moon sign are placed in the Sidereal Zodiac, please contact me here and I will be glad to email you a copy of your chart with this information.  

You can also click here and be directed to a page where you can generate your Vedic Astrology Birth Chart.

Saturn just entered the sign of Sagittarius on January 29, 2017.  Jupiter is in the sign of Virgo until September 11, 2017.  

When both Saturn and Jupiter aspect the same sign, that sign and house will be prominent during that transit.  This will be especially so if you are running a Dasha or Bhukti in that sign at the same time.  

Virgo is the prominent sign from January 26, 2017 to September 11, 2017.  Read below to find out how that combined influence will influence your own life based on your Lagna and Moon sign at birth.

Lagna or Moon at birth in the following signs:
(Sidereal zodiac)


Virgo is placed in your 6th house.  This is a time for change and progress at work.  It could mean changing jobs, getting promoted in your current job, or expanding and making progress in some way that is work-related.  This could be a time in which you could also be involved in legal matters or events related to opponents, for which you will come out victorious through work and effort on your part. 


Virgo is placed in your 5th house.  This is a time in which there could be a newborn in your family.  This could also indicate new creative projects, a new romance in your life, new adventures and entertainments, acquiring knowledge of scriptures, and overall expanding your knowledge and intelligence.  This could also indicate a change of job if your 10th lord is in any way connected to this house.  But don't worry, the change will be for the better.  


Virgo is placed in your 4th house.  This is a time in which there may be a change of residence, or remodelling of your current residence.  You may also be inclined to purchase a new vehicle during this time.  You may be spending more time in the home, working on gardening, or working from home.  If you work in Real Estate this is a good time to make money in that field.  This is the 10th from the 7th house, so this could indicate a change of job for your spouse or partner.  You may also be more in touch with your emotions, and may become more nurturing and caring of others, or you may acquire new insights into your own emotional connections and well-being.


Virgo is sitting in your 3rd house.  This is a time for writing that book you've been postponing, or getting on social media and expanding your marketing skills while putting yourself out there.  This is also a time to expand your knowledge and learn a new trade or a new skill.  It will be practical and serve its purpose because that is the nature of Virgo.  You may also be inclined to test your level of courage, and embark on some day-to-day adventures and push your limits a bit.  This is an Upachaya house, so wherever you chose to exert your efforts this year will make progress and improvement.


Virgo is sitting in your 2nd house.  This is a time where there will be a focus on finances.  You may experience some increase in your income and savings account.  You may also be more inclined than normal to buy jewelry, or collection of some sort.  This is the natural sign of Taurus (2nd sign) so you may experience an increase in experiencing the beauty, comforts, and luxuries of life in general.  It is a great time to improve your public speaking skills.


Virgo is sitting in your ascendant or is your Moon sign, the first house.  This is a time to focus on your own self and in taking care of your own needs.  You have been focusing on others, and Virgo is the sign of service.  But now is the time to improve your own personal, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Starting a new workout routine, enhancing your beauty, improving your public image, evaluating your strengths and weaknesses and working on improving on them all will be of focus to you this year.  


Virgo is sitting in your 12th house.  This year there will be a focus on your normal expenditures, and you may spend money on auspicious and charitable causes.  The 12th house is a hidden house, it is the house of the subconscious mind.  Therefore, you may experience an increase in your inner life, such as through dreams or contact with the astral and other spiritual realms.  You may be inclined to begin a spiritual practice of renunciation such as Yoga or Meditation.  You may also do overseas travelling if you're running a planetary Dasha or Bhukti that is related to travels in your chart.  You may also visit hospitals, prisons or monasteries.  


Virgo is sitting in your 11th house.  This is a time for financial gains in general.  The 11th house has to do with our life-long wishes, desires, and aspirations.  You may notice that these may start materializing for you this year.  Opportunities will come your way for you to capitalize on making your dreams come true.  This is also a year to enhance your connections with the public, such as in group activities, the community, or internet networking and meeting new people and connections.


Virgo is sitting in your 10th house.  This is the house of career and the work you do in life.  You will notice an enhancement in your career or business life.  This is a good time to start a new business.  You may also receive a promotion this year.  The 10th house also has to do with our deeds in life.  You may be inclined to do some good deeds, good Dharma for others this year, which will accrue good karma for you in the future.  This is the house of notoriety.  You may be getting more noticed this year, and increasing your reputation.  Take advantage of this auspicious combined transit and put yourself out there through marketing or other avenues.


Virgo is sitting in your 9th house.  This is a time to focus on higher studies.  So it could indicate entering a college or university this year, or getting that degree you've been working on.  Higher studies is indicated here, so you may also be embarked on a expanding your knowledge in a chose field.  You may also become more spiritually-focused this year and start asking yourself questions about the higher purpose in life, and your duty to follow.  You may desire to visit holy places of worship, or study holy scriptures in the quiet of your own room.


Virgo is sitting in your 8th house.  The 8th house is about mystery and transformation.  You may notice that sudden and unexpected events are taking place in your life this year.  Do not fret or worry!  This is a time of transformation for you.  You are shedding your old skin in order to rebuild a new one.  Let the old one go.  Let the old experiences go with an evenness and acceptance of mind.  This transformation is meant to have you outgrow your old self in order to renew your mind, body, and soul.  Let go of the past, and learn to embrace the present moment!  It is an auspicious transit, so the end result will be auspicious and welcome by you.  But you have to be strong through the transformation process.  Accept it.  Let go and let God.  Go deep and look beyond the surface of things.  Stand back and see what your subconsious mind is trying to communicate to you.  Bring it to the light and work on that issue.  It is time to stop ignoring it and to begin making the necessary improvements and changes.


Virgo is sitting in your 7th house of relationships.  This is a time to focus in that area of life.  You will finally meet that partner, get engaged, or get married!  Relationship issues will come to the surface and will be resolved.  You will learn much about relationships this year.  This is also the 10th from the 10th house.  Therefore, you may experience an increase in client-contact in your business operations.  It is a time to connect with others on a personal, one-on-one basis.  It is a time to learn about they psychology of people as well as your own mind and how it works and reacts to others.  You will gain a lot of experience in personal relationships this year.


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