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Malavya Yoga - Gianni Versace's Vedic Birth Chart

Gianni Versace
December 2, 1946
Approx. 5:30 A.M. (tentatively rectified by Monica)
Reggio Calabria, Italy

Gianni Versace was an extremely talented and sought-after Italian fashion designer.  He had many celebrity friends, including Madonna, Elton John, Princes of Wales, and Sting among many others.  He was openly gay with his partner Antonio D’Amico.  Unfortunately, he was shot to death in front of his Miami Beach mansion by Andrew Cunanan at the age of 50 (Wikipedia, 2013).

These are only a few of the details that encompassed his life, and they don’t begin to describe his true talent and passion for beauty, art, fashion, and everything that is of a Venusian nature.

Astrodatabank ( gives the time of his birth as 6:00 A.M. giving it a Rodden Rating of AA, which means extreme accuracy since it is based on the person’s birth certificate.

However, the reason I’m writing this article is because I do not actually agree with this time of birth. The birth certificate, in this case, may indeed have that as his birth time.  But there could certainly be many reasons as to why a time could be recorded wrong.  One reason could be due to rounding the birth time up or down to the nearest hour, and not giving the time of birth the attention or importance it requires.

When I pulled up his chart with the 6:00 AM birth time, it gave me a Scorpio lagna, with Sun, Ketu, and Mars in the ascendant.  The Langa degree is at 4 degree 06 minutes.  Every time the Lagna degrees is close to 0 or 30 degrees, I always question the accuracy of the birth time and try to confirm it with events in a person’s life.  In this case, if we were to subtract about 21 minutes or more from the birth time, we get a Libra Ascendant.

If Libra were the ascendant we have Jupiter, Mercury, and Retrograde Venus in the Lagna.  Both times give a strong ascendant, and therefore a very strong and successful personality.  Nevertheless, it appears to make more sense that Libra and not Scorpio is the ascendant.

Both lagnas have lagna lord in own house in the 1st.  That makes the ascendant very strong, which indicates a person who could be very well known and successful in life through one’s own efforts and personality.  However, the nature of the sign and lagna lord play a huge part in the kind of personality.

Mars and Venus have completely different archetypes or significations that describe the personality of these two planets.  Mars is a warrior, fighter, athlete, police, military soldier, engineer, fire-fighter, surgeon, commander-in-chief, or anyone who exemplifies courage, strength, passion, energy, vigor, heroism, power, competitiveness, and bravery among other significations.

Venus is the complete opposite.  Venus is a musician, artist, celebrity, composer, dancer, fashion designer, interior designer, poet, counselor, lover, actor/actress and anyone involved in the beauty-enhancement industry.  Venus exemplifies beauty, art, romance, love, music, theaters, bedrooms, dance halls, women, exotic places, and places of pleasure and amusement.  Get my drift?

With ascendant lord in the ascendant (own sign) we would easily get a person who exemplifies the planet’s archetype almost to the core.  Of course, if we had for example Aries lagna with Venus there, or Libra lagna with Mars there then there would be a mixture of qualities.  But not so with lagna lord in lagna, or aspecting the lagna.

In Gianni Versace’s chart, we get one or the other:  Mars in own sign Scorpio in lagna, or Venus in own sign in lagna.  It is not hard to see the huge difference in personality types between these two planets in own sign in lagna.

Not only that.  With Scorpio lagna, we get two more fiery planets there: Sun and Ketu!  That is a lot of fire!  If Scorpio were the ascendant, Gianni would probably have been a Military Admiral or General!

John Kerry with Scorpio lagna, Sun in the 1st, and Mars and Moon in the 7th aspecting the 1st, we get a U.S. Senator who served in the military as Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy and wounded in the Vietnam war!

The story changes when we get a Libra ascendant, with strong retrograde Venus there along with two more natural benefics: Jupiter and Mercury.  Now we get the perfect archetype of Venus influencing the personality. Very different from the fiery and combative Mars in his own sign.

Both charts indicate an exceptional career.  Scorpio ascendant has 10th lord Sun in the 1st.  That would indicate a person who is very devoted to his or her career, and whose identity is dependent on career.  But the career would have to do with either military (Mars), or government (Sun), not beauty industry.

Libra rising has Yogakaraka Saturn in the 10th house, exchanging signs with 10th lord Moon in the 5th.  So we get Parivartana Yoga between 5thand 10th house.  5th house relates to entertainment, creativity, and fame among other significations.  The 10th house is career and our work in life.  Many people who have a strong 5th house connection with the ascendant turn out to be successful celebrities (Jeanne Crain and Larry Briggman are two examples of famous actors with 5th house influence on ascendant).

In the case of Gianni Versace, the 5th lord does not influence ascendant, but it exchanges signs with 10th lord which indicates a career relating to entertainment, creativity, and celebrity status.  Both 5th house and 10th house benefit in this case.  Yogakaraka Saturn brings a his beneficial results to the house of career, and 10th lord Moon brings her beneficial influence to the 5th house of creativity in relation to career.

However, we also have to check the Dasa sequence.  Regardless of which ascendant it is, we generally get a Dasa sequence of Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury running throughout life.  Two of these planets are already in the 12th house (Jupiter and Mercury in Libra), from the point of view of Scorpio rising.

If Scorpio is the ascendant, then the beginning of Gianni’s life, the first 16 years, would be marked by a certain seclusion or a troubled life (12thhouse significations). This would also be the tone for the remainder of his life after 1982 (Mercury’s dasa).  However, Mercury was the one that gave the fame, status, wealth, etcetera.  It was after he entered Mercury that he became well-known, successful, and wealthy.  With Scorpio lagna Mercury is 8th and 11th lord in the 12th house.  Both 8th and 12th house have to do with secrecy, and Scorpio is also a sign of secrecy.  11thlord has to do with gains, and being in the 12th house would have meant loss of gains (not gain of gains as was the case).  

However, Gianni was not the most secretive of persons. At least as far as his sexuality was concerned.  He was very accepting and open of his sexual orientation and he did not hide this fact.

Since 12th house has to do with one’s dreams, sleep, private life, seclusion, hospitalization, imprisonment, being away from society, or one's own society, meaning foreign countries etc. that’s what Mercury would have brought to Gianni’s life after 1982 when he entered the dasa of Mercury.

If we look at Libra rising, the story changes.  We get Mercury lord of the 9th and 12th in the ascendant.  Gianni did live in a foreign country, which shows the 12th house influence, but we also see the 9th house influence of good fortune, travels, and affluence in his life.  Not easy to see these results for a planet in the 12th house of renunciation and hardship (Scorpio rising).  We get two planets getting Dig Bala (directional strength) with both Jupiter and Mercury in the lagna.  That makes these two planets very strong.  And then they become stronger by being conjunct lagna lord and retrograde Venus (retrograde status making that planet even stronger) in own sign.  

That’s three benefics in the lagna! Talk about a life of luxury, beauty, and fun!  Not likely with Sun, Mars, and Ketu in lagna!  Malefics in angles give a life of struggle, and benefics in angles give a life of ease and luxury, and we know the ascendant is an angular house.

Gianni also ran two of the Dig Bala planets (Libra rising) during his Dasa sequence: Jupiter and Mercury.  And Saturn was the catapult for his career, as he is Yogakaraka in the 10th house.   It was during Saturn that he pursued and began his career as a fashion designer in the early 70's.  Then he entered Mercury in 1982.  Mercury, being Dig Bala, gave him success and brought about his relationship with Antonio D’Amico.  With Mercury in the 1st house aspecting the 7th house of relationships, this makes perfect sense (for Libra rising).  With Mercury in the 12th aspecting the 6th house this makes no sense at all (for Scorpio rising).  We know that a planet connected to the 7th house in some way brings a relationship to our lives.  

But a planet with a 6th house connection, or in the 6th house does the opposite: it takes away a relationship because the 6th house is 12th from 7th.  Mercury aspecting the 6th house from the 12th (Scorpio lagna) would not have brought a nice relationship, or it would have brought one or more than one denoting a lot of troubles in relationship.  This does not appear to be the case in his relationship with D'Anico.  They lasted a long time and appeared to enjoy a very nice relationship during Mercury's planetary cycle.

Finally, we come to the topic of his death.  Why did he die through gun-shot?  It is perfectly clear with Libra ascendant.  Mars, Sun, and Rahu are afflicting his 8th house.  These are, as mentioned earlier, very fiery planets.  It only makes sense that a gun-shot was the cause of his death (or similar, fiery death). That is too many malefic planets influencing the 8th house with no benefic aspect.

With Scorpio ascendant we have the 8th lord Mercury in the 12th house with Jupiter and Venus.  Death by gun-shot?  Probably not. It would have been completely different. Either an overdose in which he would not have felt any pain (Venus/Jupiter influence), or peacefully in his sleep (three  benefics in the 12th house of passing over to the next life after death).

This is just a general overview of his life, and an analysis of the probability of having either Scorpio or Libra ascendant.  

My opinion is that he had Libra ascendant.  However, this is only based on the public facts we have at hand. This was a very general analysis with broad strokes.  We only analyzed his natal chart, without taking into consideration the Navamsa or Moon as lagna.  However, a lot could be said about a person’s life by just looking at the nativity if the planets are very strong denoting Dridha Karma (fixed karma, as is the case in this chart).  Especially if there are very strong planets on the ascendant, indicating the kind of personality a person is likely to have.

Well, that is the end of my analysis for now.  With more information, more can be said about this chart, but I just wanted to point out the main reasons I thought this was a Libra and not Scorpio ascendant.

I’m looking forward to you guy’s thoughts and feedback on this chart!

-Monica M


  1. Malavya yoga is formed when Venus is posited in quadrant
    from ascendant(lagna), in one of four houses,1st ,4th 7thor 10th ,in its own sign(Taurus or Libra) or exalted sign(Pisces), in a person’s astrological birth chart. The native will have beautiful face with large eyes and very attractive personality.
    best Indian Astrologer in Ontario

  2. Malavya Yog is formed by Venus in a horoscope, it is considered as one of the most auspicious yogas in Vedic astrology and it is also considered as one of the five most auspicious yogas in Vedic astrology called Panch MahaPurusha Yogas where the other 4 yogas in this class are Hamsa Yog, Ruchaka Yog, Bhadra Yog and Shasha Yog.
    Best Jyotish in USA

  3. Malavya Yog can bless the native with many good things depending on the strength of this yog in the horoscope as well as the overall tone of the horoscope of the native. Venus is considered as the planet associated with women, beauty, diplomacy, trade, luxuries, love life, comforts, creativity and many other good things according to Vedic astrology. Accordingly, the formation of Malavya Yog in a horoscope can bless the native with a beautiful and loving wife, good success in business, a life full of luxuries and comforts, and fame on national or international level.
    Astrologer in London

  4. The natives under the strong influence of Malavya Yog are usually very beautiful and they possess a charming and magnetic personality which attracts other people very easily and especially the people from the opposite sex. Some natives under the strong influence of Malavya Yog can become successful or very successful in the professional fields like modeling, cinema, movies and other such fields which require beauty and charm in order to be successful. Malavya Yog present in the horoscope of women can make them very beautiful and desirable, and some women under the strong influence of this yog can win national or international beauty pageants.
    Famous Astrologer in New York


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