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Mithuna (Gemini) Personality Traits

Mithuna is an air sign ruled by the planet Mercury.  Being the third sign of the zodiac, Mithuna is connected symbolically to the third house of Vedic Astrology, which is a Kama house (Read: The Four Aims of Life The Purusharthas).  Kama houses are 3, 7, and 11th house.  These are the desire houses.  Thus, Mithuna has an intense desire nature. Mithuna is flirtatious, loving, relational, easy-going, and sensuous.  However, they can be fickle in relationships because they can get bored very quickly.  But they do not just get bored in relationships; they quickly get bored with pretty much everything. Mithuna need A LOT of mental stimulation to keep them interested, and this also goes without saying in relationships.
Mithuna are always processing information.  They need to be working on several different projects at once to be mentally satisfied.  They need several irons in the fire in order to fight boredom.  However, sometimes they may have too many irons in the fire, more than they can handle and things can get out of hand for a Mithuna.  They may start ten projects at once and finish none.  To complete a project they have started, they need to take breaks in between.  It is a good idea for a Mithuna to start a project, then go to another project and take turns working on different projects.  Then they can come back to the first project with renewed energy and pick up from where they left off to be able to finish it.  If they do this, then they can fight off the boredom.  This is because it is difficult for a Mithuna to work on only one project for an extended period.  It is a significant challenge for them to stay focused for so long without getting impatient and moving on to something else.  So they can be very restless, scattered and ungrounded at times.  This ungroundedness can be overcome by an aspect of Saturn on Mercury, the Moon, the Lagna or Lagna lord.  Doing grounding exercises is also very beneficial and entirely necessary for this mental sign.
Mithuna is the sign of communication and information.  They are very quick to learn new information and have very diverse interests.  They are very good at imitating and synthesizing information.  They can quickly reproduce anything they have read or heard, which makes them appear to be experts at new subjects for which they have very superficial knowledge. Mithuna needs constant stimulation and is always very curious about diverse topics.  They can begin learning a matter so quickly that they suddenly lose interest and go to another subject before really mastering the first.  The prefer the excitement of new experiences rather than the drudgery of sticking to the same topic, which can get tedious at times.  A Mithuna will try to avoid this at all costs.
Mithunas do not like being tied down to anything, they like their freedom and independence, and sticking through the drudgery of mastering one single subject makes them feel tied down and even confined as though imprisoned.  Feeling confined can cause the Mithuna person get depressed, so it is healthier for Mithunas to work on different projects at the same time to avoid this.
Mithunas are quick-witted, funny, restless, charming, and easy-going.  They can be great manipulators because sometimes they are too smart for their good.  The strength of the fourth and ninth house will determine if they will be carried away with manipulating others for their base desires, or if they will uphold their virtues.
Communication is vital for Mithunas, and this is a must if they are to remain happy in a relationship.  Their closest friends are the ones they can hold a conversation with for hours at a time.  They love to talk about everything, and sometimes they have so many ideas to talk about coming at them from left and right that they get overwhelmed and are never able to finish the moral of the story before moving on to the next subject.  They may get frustrated with a fire or water sign person who just acts out of passion or emotion without analyzing and talking about the situation first.
Because Mithunas are very intellectual, they can adapt to pretty much any career.  They have an eclectic and flexible mentality.  Therefore, the rest of the chart will determine what job they end up choosing.  The stronger of the Moon, Sun or Lagna sign will determine what career they eventually decide to pursue.
If you decide to date a Mithuna, make sure that you are a good listener and that you communicate A LOT with them. Otherwise, they will quickly get bored or irritated with you for lack of connection and rapidly move on to someone else.


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