When Saturn and Mercury conjoin in a chart, it helps the person communicate in a patient and organized manner. The person tends to speak slowly and deliberately, and sometimes people may mistake this slowness for some lack of intelligence, but that is not the case. In fact, Saturn helps the person persevere and go much deeper in thought on any given subject. This conjunction makes the person quite intelligent, and they usually do very well in an academic setting. Their ability to shine academically is because there is a higher capacity for concentration. Saturn’s restrictive energy tends to help the intellect fine-tune and focus with laser-like ability.
This conjunction also makes the person a good writer, but Saturn will tend to make the person overthink things too much and cause writer’s block. Saturn is the perfectionist, and it wants everything concise, organized, and methodical. Instead of pouring out their ideas as they come to them, and writing nonstop, they analyze and scrutinize every idea and want to perfect their work as they go, rather than get the job done first and fix later.
This influence of Saturn on Mercury causes self-doubt in written or verbal communication. In speech, there may be a blockage in expressing ideas. The person is cautious and analytical in his or her use of language. They are usually very self-conscious and insecure about how they communicate information to others that people may misinterpret their actual depth of knowledge and intelligence that exists behind all that hesitation and restrictive communication-style.
If you have this conjunction in your horoscope, you may notice that this limitation which Saturn imposes on your communication-style tends to be more problematic in youth. However, as you get older, the self-doubt and awkwardness in communication begin to subside. You eventually get to experience the reward that comes from the hard work, ambition, and diligence that Saturn ultimately gives.
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