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Showing posts from November, 2018

Sahaja Bhava - 3rd House in Vedic Astrology

Image Courtesy of  Pixabay The third house (bhava) in astrology is the house of communications, especially communication done in writing. In writing one expresses one's thoughts, concepts, opinions, ideas, information, data, facts, observations, or any combination thereof. It is the domain where conversation happens. The conversation usually takes place with people around us, including our siblings, our neighbors, and our friends. Therefore, this house also signifies others whom we have frequent contact with. The conversation also happens internally; a dialogue with ourselves. It is the narrative of our consciousness. The third house is the story we tell ourselves of the concepts and opinions we have formed through our life experience. Therefore, it is the house of bravery, the boldness of the spirit and the power of our will. The third house determines the amount of valiance and will-power we have: it takes an act of courage to convince ourselves we can do and become anythi...

Learn Vedic Astrology Class 2- The Sun in the 12 Houses

Join me in my biweekly free Vedic Astrology Classes for beginners Sundays at 1:30 PM PST.  Please send me a request on Skype at “lightofastrology