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Sahaja Bhava - 3rd House in Vedic Astrology

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The third house (bhava) in astrology is the house of communications, especially communication done in writing. In writing one expresses one's thoughts, concepts, opinions, ideas, information, data, facts, observations, or any combination thereof. It is the domain where conversation happens. The conversation usually takes place with people around us, including our siblings, our neighbors, and our friends. Therefore, this house also signifies others whom we have frequent contact with.

The conversation also happens internally; a dialogue with ourselves. It is the narrative of our consciousness. The third house is the story we tell ourselves of the concepts and opinions we have formed through our life experience. Therefore, it is the house of bravery, the boldness of the spirit and the power of our will. The third house determines the amount of valiance and will-power we have: it takes an act of courage to convince ourselves we can do and become anything in life. Each time we use our will-power to achieve a goal in life, we additionally strengthen the third house.

The third house is a Kama house, along with the 7th and 11th houses. (Read about the Four Purushartas here). Kama houses are the domain in life in which we have the opportunity to fulfill our desires. These desires are usually connected with other people and are desires that are acquired rather promptly. Everything related to the third house is transitory and requires effort and action. Thus, Mars is the Karaka for the 3rd house. This factor is opposed to the desires of the eleventh house, which are the long-term and extensive goals in our lives, such as buying a home or a long-term investment prospect. Other examples of short-term desires connected with the third house are buying our morning coffee, reading the morning paper, and having a good lunch and chat with our friends.

It is the bhava related to the sharing of information. Gossip, chit-chat, news, school-report, journalism, publishing, meetings, announcements, reviews, critiques, magazines, and messages are all connected to this house. It is a very intellectual house very much corresponding with the sign of Gemini. It is the kind of intellect related to quick analysis and fast results, as opposed to the eighth house which is the house of research and more in-depth scientific study, getting to the foundation and root of the scientific inquiry.

The third house is also an artistic and creative bhava. It is the 11th house from the 5th, thus making it the house of gains for 5th house matters. Our hands, represented by the 3rd house, brings to life the creative genius of the 5th house. The struggle of the work and intense hours of concentration and dedication to bring about the work of art of the 5th house could not be done without the help of the 3rd house. Therefore, the ability to focus and concentrate while working is another 3rd house designation. It requires will-power and perseverance to achieve a high level of concentration and skill. Here we can again see why the 3rd house is considered a mild dusthana house. The process of hard work itself is a bit challenging and may be frustrating at times. But dusthana houses are the irritants that produce the pearls. The catalysts of the dusthana houses are necessary to polish our mental and spiritual character and are the stepping stones for acquiring the touchstones of greatness.
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