"French-British financier and politician, tycoon and founder of the Referendum Party. He was one of the most charismatic, controversial, and colorful tycoons of the past four decades, singularly bold and a fearless risk taker."(Astrodatabank).
In once sentence this describes the personality of one of the wealthiest men in the world. What are the indications of wealth in his chart? Why was he a politician and fearless gambler? Let's take a look...
First of all we notice that he has Aries Lagna with Lagna lord in the 5th house. It is strong for several of the following reasons:
1. It is retrograde. (A retrograde planet is stronger than normal because it is closer to Earth during retrogression, therefore being a stronger influence in the course of the native’s life)
2. It is aspected by its own despositor, the Sun.
3. It is conjunct strong retrograde Jupiter, which is also 9th lord (of good fortune).
4. The final despositor (despositor of Sun), is Saturn, which is involved in a very strong Mahapurush Sasa Yoga. Saturn upholds all the planets in this chart, because it is the final despositor of every single planet. Being in a very strong yoga, in the strongest Kendra (angle/10th house) it lifts up the whole chart to a higher octave.
5. The lords indicative of wealth are the 2nd, 5th, and 11th lord. Lagna lord is in good house positions from two out of three lords. 2nd lord is Venus (Mars is in a 1/7 axis with Venus). 5th lord is Sun (Mars is in a 1/7 axis with Sun). 11th lord is Saturn (Mars is in a 6/8 position with Saturn). It isn’t in the best position in regards to the 11th lord, but since Saturn is the final despositor and in a very strong Mahapurush Yoga, its position in relation to Mars becomes subservient to all other factors mentioned.
These were five reasons for giving Lagna Lord strength in this chart. Remember that for the chart to give its promised results, Lagna Lord has to be rendered strong in some significant way.
The 5th house is indicative of entertainment, gambling, wealth, love and infatuation, politics, creativity, children, and past-life credit. All of these significations were very prominent in the life of Mr. James Goldsmith.
He was known to be a gambler from an early age. Later in life, many of his successful business dealings were characterized by risky financial moves. He had gambling traits deeply ingrained in his personality. Besides his business and gambling inclinations, he was very much involved in politics.
He was also known to be a lady’s man from an early age, and all throughout his lifetime. The 5th house is the house of fun, joy, entertainment, and love-life. This is one of the reasons why (in general) 7th lord in the 5th house may not be the best placement for one’s love-life. Simply because one is in love with love itself. One desires to live in a life of fantasy and infatuation regarding relationships. In this case 7th lord Venus is in the 11th, aspecting the 5th house. Venus also represents love. So in this case, Venus has a desire to fulfill 5th house significations in a Venusian way - and one of those ways is through love, infatuation, love-affairs, etc. These desires make it difficult for one to be in a steady monogamous and peaceful marriage. With Venus aspecting, and Lagna Lord Mars in the 5th house, no wonder Mr. Goldsmith was a lady’s man!
Now let’s take a closer look at indications of wealth:
2nd, 5th, and 11th lords have to be mutually involved somehow. It is also desirable for Lagna lord to be involved in this influence.
- 2nd lord Venus is in the 11th house.
- 5th lord Sun is in the 11th house.
- 11th lord Saturn is the despositor of all these planets, in the strongest kendra, in a Mahapurusa Yoga: Sasa Yoga.
- Lagna Lord Mars is in the 5th, aspected by, and aspecting both 2nd and 5th lords.
- Mars is also conjunct the natural significator for wealth Jupiter, and aspected by another significator for wealth and good fortune: Venus. Both Jupiter and Venus are double significators by their karaka nature, as well as their house ownerships (Jupiter owns 9th house of fortune, and Venus owns 2nd house of wealth).
- Venus, 2nd lord, is also in a very strong Malavya Yoga in the Navamsa Chart. It is in the 1st house in its own sign, Libra.
- Talk about a strong 2nd and 5th lord conjunction in the 11th house aspected by and aspecting Lagna Lord!! And all this with 11th lord in a strong Mahapurush Yoga! Wow! This chart screams "wealth and prosperity please!"
There are many other yogas, raja yogas, and patterns which indicate fame, wealth, prosperity, and excellent fortune in Mr. James Goldsmith’s chart. But this was just a quick bird’s-eye view of his chart and its indications of wealth.
-Monica M
-Monica M
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