Lord, in many of your sacred scriptures and religious teachings of various religions you teach us about detachment. You gives us clues about a higher life and a lofty spiritual world which could be our domain a future spiritual life if only we could learn how to be detached.
But what does detachment mean? To what is it referring? What exactly are we supposed to be detached from?
Lord, you teach us that we are supposed to be detached from everything. Everything literally means everything. Material, emotional, and temporal things are what you tell us, Lord, that we should be detached from. You teach us in your spiritual teachings that we ought to detach our minds and hearts for things of this world. Things that belong to temporal reality.
What is temporal reality? Everything that is bound by time. Things that have a beginning and an end. Lord, you teach us that we should detach our minds from thinking too deeply about material and temporal things that are not eternal, as You are eternal in your Being, Lord. You teach us these things in order that we may come to love you and to know you.
It is difficult to come to love and know You when our minds think and our hearts desire temporal and worldly things. You want us to detach ourselves from things that bind us here below, in order that we may become empty and open to receive spiritual food that comes from You my Lord.
Lord, it is difficult for us to become detached so easily. We need to be constantly praying to you day in and day out that you help us in this endeavor. Lord, please teach us what it truly means to be detached in mind and heart, and fill us with your divine wisdom and love.
Teach us to desire spiritual things so that our minds and hearts become more acquainted with divine things, and little by little our minds and hearts will naturally withdraw from this temporal world and seek only You.
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