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Rohini Nakshatra Personality Traits and Symbolism

Rohini is the fourth Nakshatra out of the twenty-seven constellations. The Moon rules this Nakshatra, and it resides entirely in the sign of Taurus from 10*-23.20*. Since Venus rules the sign of Taurus, Rohini has substantial Venus/Moon qualities in its nature. Both of these planets are female, and therefore Rohini is a feminine Nakshatra.
Brahma is the deity which rules Rohini Nakshatra. Brahma is the creator of the universe in the Hindu Trinity mythology (while Vishnu is the sustainer, and Shiva is the destroyer). Rohini is a very creative and artistic Nakshatra. People with focal planets here, such as the Lagna, Moon, Sun, or Lagna lord, tend to be very artistically inclined. These people are usually involved in music, dance, theater, painting, or any other expressive and creative pursuit. Rohini is an auspicious Nakshatra for fertility, and getting pregnant. If the 5th lord, Jupiter or the Moon, or another critical planet, is placed in Rohini, then the Dasha (Major planetary cycle running in a given time for a person) or Bhukti (sub-cycle) of that planet will bring the birth of a child if it is not afflicted. Rohini is also a good Nakshatra in Muhurta to initiate a significant event, such as marriage, travel, moving into a new place, starting a business, etc.
One of the meanings of Rohini is “the red.” The color red often exemplifies passion and desire. Rohini expresses beauty, sensuality, love, attraction, charisma, and talent in sexual arts. These may be the reasons why, according to mythology, the Moon would reside in Rohini’s abode at one point did not want to leave Rohini when visiting all the 27 Nakshatras. As a result, the other 26 wives of the Moon became jealous and complained about the Moon’s behavior of favoritism. This myth exemplifies a significant theme in natives who have a prominent planet or ascendant in Rohini. They tend to be the favorite in their circle of friends, or in any group with which they are involved. This natural charm which attracts people makes others envious of the Rohini person. It is especially evident in women’s charts, who suffer the envy of the women surrounding them.
Another meaning of Rohini is “the growing one, ” and its Shakti is “the power of growth.” Rohini is also an upward-looking Nakshatra. Both of these symbols allude to Rohini’s ability to bring about growth, expansion, and development in the areas of life signified by the planet associated with this Nakshatra. Rohini is a very earthy Nakshatra, and it brings auspiciousness to all earthly and materialistic pursuits. Being in a natural Artha sign, which is symbolically connected to the second house of the zodiac, this is a good Nakshatra for affluence, wealth, and prosperity in general. If a money planet is placed in Rohini in a person’s chart (such as the second, fifth, ninth, or eleventh lord), the person will be able to expand their wealth effortlessly, especially during that planet’s Dasha or Bhukti.
Rohini’s symbol is two oxen pulling an ox-cart. This symbolism connects Rohini people to the earth, such as through farming, gardening, or construction. In ancient times the ox-cart was used as a vehicle to transport goods across long distances. Therefore, Rohini symbolizes vehicles, especially vehicles used for transporting goods such as semi’s or trucks in general. Purchasing a car while Moon in transiting this Nakshatra is auspicious. By extension, travel is also indicated by Rohini. A person running a Rohini planet cycle may find themselves going on vacation, traveling a lot, or exploring nature.
In ancient times, oxen pulling an ox-cart symbolized wealth and productivity. It is another example of this Nakshatra’s ability to generate affluence. Rohini is very auspicious for anything related to business and financial dealings.
Being a very earthy Nakshatra, Rohini is very materialistic. Its guna is Rajasic. It is auspicious for all kinds of human affairs. In its lower aspect, Rohini will cause the person to display too much acquisitiveness and financial ambition. It may also cause the person to become too sensual and potentially addicted to carnal pleasures, as is seen by this Nakshatra’s desire “to find a lover and unite with him or her.”
Prominent planets in this Nakshatra will tend to make the person so engrossed in the affairs of this world that they will neglect the spiritual side of life. If a person expresses too much Rohini energy, their lives will just stay on the surface level, and they will never get to understand the more profound levels of inner truths of the universe. This is especially so if there is an affliction to this Nakshatra.
If Rohini is afflicted or if a prominent planet resides here, giving due reverence to earth or nature will propitiate the negative energies. However, that is only a temporary. The best thing to do is for the person to analyze his or her mental psychology regarding the symbolism of Rohini, and understand their way of thinking. If there is too much materialism in the way of life, then concentrating one’s thoughts in the opposite direction, i.e., spirituality is recommended in order not to find oneself becoming even more engrossed in materiality.


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