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Sun in the 1st House in Vedic Astrology

  • Personality

The first house represents the self, the personality that others see at first glance. It is the physical body and people's first impression. Consequently, the person with Sun in the first house has a substantial effect on others. He emits a visibly radiant and warm personality. As planets revolve around the Sun, people are naturally drawn towards him and desire to be around him. The individual also expects no less than to be powerfully attractive and the center of attention, and this he gets effortlessly with his potent and mighty presence.
  • Leadership

The Sun in the first house person is also a naturally-born leader. People sense his regal self-confidence, and automatically look up to him for decision-making. They regard him as reliable and good at making executive decisions.
  • Passion

Once he makes up his mind to do something, there are no obstacles to get in his way. His sunny, hot and fiery nature makes him intrinsically passionate, high-spirited, assertive, and frenzied. There is nothing to stop him. He is, after all, power and brilliance. Darkness and hopelessness do not exist for him.
  • Shadow-Side

Ironically, there is a shadow-side to everything, and as radiating as the Sun is in the first house, too much Sun in the hot desert can cause dryness, thirst, and sunburn. Since this individual is majestic and mighty, he expects to succeed in all endeavors. But when he does not get his way, watch out! That beautiful brilliance turns into temperamental and flammable combustion! That is when we see his volatile, impulsive, irritated and furious nature.
  • Generosity

But do not let his explosive nature fool you. Beneath all this assertive and authoritarian ego lies the most magnanimous, bountiful and generous nature. After all, the Sun shines on all without any judgment or discrimination. A person with Sun in the first house is all-giving, noble and large-hearted.
  • The Sun in Different Planets' Signs

These qualities will be most evident when Sun is in the first house in Aries or Leo. In Libra, Sun is at his weakest. Therefore, Sun will be less assertive and tend to defer more to others as he will prefer harmony and balance. Since this is not the nature of the Sun, he will feel uncomfortable at times, trying to decide if he should defer or exert himself. In the signs of Mercury, Sun tends to show his high brilliance and intelligence. In the signs of Venus, Sun will tend to be charming, artistic, and creative. In the signs of Mars, the hot and fiery nature will show itself predominantly. In the signs of Saturn, the Sun will tend to be more withdrawn and constricted, not feeling at ease in such a restricted environment. Finally, in Jupiter's signs, the Sun will express his bounty, expansion, and compassion to a much higher degree.

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