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The 2nd House in Vedic Astrology

The second house is the house of sustenance, nourishment, daily bread, livelihood, and maintenance. It is the house that sustains us for the necessities in life. That is why the second house is one of the Artha Houses in Jyotish, the other two being the 6th and 10th houses of the zodiac. The Artha houses are attributed to provisions and maintenance in life. It is the security we need before we move on to the next house, the Kama house of fulfilling our pleasures.
It is connected to our early life, the food we eat, and the income we make for our livelihood. It is, therefore, one of the financial houses. It represents our security and reassurance in life. Do we make enough money to put bread on the table, put a roof over our heads, and have a secure nest for our family and ourselves? That is the second house. It shows the secureness we felt in our early childhood years in the family home, and as adults, it shows the comfort and domestic happiness we feel in our dwelling-place.
It is connected to oral traditions, and to memory. Why memory? Because the second house is the house of languages. The ability to give a speech or learn a new language is dependent on our capability to memorize further information. Therefore, it is the house of assimilation and learning. This is the house we look at if we are to see how our children will do in school.
On the psychological level, the second house has to do with how we express our thoughts through speech. Since this house signifies our speech, it signifies the manner in which we express ourselves. Are we genuine and authentic, or do we feel insecure expressing the truth of ourselves and our thoughts? The second house shows how honest and trustworthy a person is in his or her communications.
Oral indulgences of any kind, whether food, cigarettes or drugs are seen through this house, as it is the house which represents the face and most especially the mouth. Consequently, the beauty of the face and teeth are also seen through this house. The radiance of a person’s real character is seen through the face, through the eyes. The second house rules the left eye, while the 12th house rules the right eye.


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