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Showing posts from April, 2017

How are Divisional Charts Used in Vedic Astrology? Jackie Kennedy's Chart

There is a lot of contradiction on how divisional charts are used in Jyotish.  Some astrologers only look at the sign a planet is placed in.  They then look at the lord of that sign and see if it is strong or weak in the Rasi chart.  However, they claim that Yogas and Aspects are not to be used in divisional charts. This is one section that I strongly disagree with.  And I abide by my teacher, James Kelleher, in the way he uses divisional charts. A divisional chart should be read exactly like a birth chart, but in relation to the particular chart you are looking at.  So if you are looking a the Navamsha, it stands for spouse.  If you are looking at the D-7 chart, it stands for children.  If you are looking at the D-10 chart it stands for career.  So the particular Yoga in the chart will focus in on only that area of your life. Let us take an example at why we analyze a divisional chart just as we analyze a Rasi chart, including Yogas and asp...

2017 Yearly Horoscope Vedic Astrology

What does the year 2017 hold for you in Vedic Astrology?  Use your Vedic Lagna (Ascendant) and/or Vedic Moon sign to find out.   If you don't know where your Vedic Lagna or Moon sign are placed in the Sidereal Zodiac, please contact me here and I will be glad to email you a copy of your chart with this information.   You can also  click here  and be directed to a page where you can generate your Vedic Astrology Birth Chart. Saturn just entered the sign of Sagittarius on January 29, 2017.  Jupiter is in the sign of Virgo until September 11, 2017.   When both Saturn and Jupiter aspect the same sign, that sign and house will be prominent during that transit.  This will be especially so if you are running a Dasha or Bhukti in that sign at the same time.   Virgo is the prominent sign from January 26, 2017 to September 11, 2017.  Read below to find out how that combined influence will influence your own life based on ...

The Importance of the Atmakaraka in Your Birth Chart

According to Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra (BPHS) the Atmakaraka is of prime importance in a chart.  The Atmakaraka is like the King of a chart, and the other planets will give their effects based on the strength of the King (Atmakaraka). If the Atmakaraka is strong, then the other karakas in the chart will give good results, and the weaker planets will not give their adverse results fully. If the Atmakaraka is weak, then even if there are strong planets in the chart they will not fully give their beneficial effects. How do you find the Atmakaraka? The Atmakaraka is the planet that has traversed the most degrees in the sidereal zodiac out of all the planets.  It is the planet with the highest degrees.  If there are two planets in the same high degree, then check the minutes and then the seconds. Out of the nine Grahas (planets), only Ketu is not included as Atmakaraka.  Rahu is included, but 30 degrees are to be deducted from Rahu to determine his kara...

Cardinal Achille Silvestrini - Religious Inclinations

Birth Details: October 25, 1923 @8:35 AM Brisighella, Italy (+1 East of GMT) 11E46', 44N13' Achille Silvestrini is a very prominent figure in the Vatican of the Roman Catholic Church. He became a priest on July 13, 1946. He was in charge of the section of International organizations, peace, disarmament, and human rights in The Council for Public Affairs of the Church between 1969 to 1979. Silvestrini served as administrative secretary to Jean-Marie Villot, which he was appointed for in 1973.  He was rewarded with a cardinal’s hat for his service, and became Cardinal-Deacon of S. Benedetto fuori Porta S. Paolo, and in 1991 became Prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches. He retired from his post as Prefect in 2000.  His Vedic Astrology birth chart shows his exalted position in the Vatical of the Roman Catholic Church. First of all, he has two Mahapurusha Yogas. These are “Great Man” yogas delineated in the ancien...

Moon in Vishakha Nakshatra

Do you have Moon in Vishakha Nakshtra? If you do, then one of your greatest desires in life is achievement. You are not satisfied with settling for less in your pursuit for success. You thirst and crave achievement and the glory and power that comes with it. The symbol for this Nakshatra is a gateway covered with leaves. This gateway takes you down the path of achievement and success. The Shakti, or power of expression, is to achieve many goals, or that "one" goal in life. And you will. This Nakshatra gives you the desire, the one-pointed attention, and the perseverance needed to achieve your goals. The deity of this Nakshatra is Indragni, and by self-sacrifice and prayer boons may be granted to you such as health, beauty, and intelligence. Vishakha stands for "the forked one." Consequently, you have two roads or ultimate goals to choose from in pursuing your ambition. The first is the worldly pursuit of all the material blessings, happiness, and c...

Moon in Swati Nakshatra

Do you have Moon in Swati Nakshatra? Swati Nakshatra is ruled by Vayu, or deified wind. Therefore, this Nakshatra's Shakti (power of expression) is to scatter like the wind. It expresses the desire for freedom and to move like the wind in all directions. It is a wanderer, a traveler, a seeker, and a messenger. If you have Moon in this Nakshatra, you do not like to be constrained in any one place or situation. You will try to run away if you feel like a situation or person is trying to tie you down. And you may not do this consciously. It is just that you are on a quest for freedom and fresh air. Vayu represents the divine breath of the gods. A strong Moon placed here will give you the ability to purify your mind and body through the power of breathing exercises effortlessly. You may have a natural talent for achieving deep meditative states through Pranayama.  Vayu also represents celestial music and you will show a desire or inclination towards music and artisti...

Wealth and Love in a Chart - James Goldsmith

"French-British financier and politician, tycoon and founder of the Referendum Party. He was one of the most charismatic, controversial, and colorful tycoons of the past four decades, singularly bold and a fearless risk taker."(Astrodatabank). In once sentence this describes the personality of one of the wealthiest men in the world. What are the indications of wealth in his chart? Why was he a politician and fearless gambler? Let's take a look... First of all we notice that he has Aries Lagna with Lagna lord in the 5th house. It is strong for several of the following reasons: 1. It is retrograde. (A retrograde planet is stronger than normal because it is closer to Earth during retrogression, therefore being a stronger influence in the course of the native’s life) 2. It is aspected by its own despositor, the Sun. 3. It is conjunct strong retrograde Jupiter, which is also 9th lord (of good fortune). 4. The final despositor (despositor of Sun), is ...

Yogi, Avayogi - Prosperity and Obstruction

What exactly are the planets which are called "Yogi, Avayogi, and Duplicate Yogi?" In Vedic Astrology these are actually very important planets you should know about. Without knowing this, you miss out on very important and accurate predictions in your readings.  So let's get to the core of the matter right away. These are their definitions: Yogi: This is the planet which gives rise to prosperity in the best way it can. Avayogi: This is the planet which obstructs prosperity in the best way it can. Duplicate Yogi: This is the planet which supports prosperity, although to a lesser degree than the Yogi. Now that you know what these planets represent, how to analyze them in your chart? The easiest way to begin is to see what Dasa/Bhukti you are running. Are you running the Dasa or Bhukti of either the Yogi, Avayogi, or Duplicate Yogi? That is the most direct way. If you are not running the Dasa or Bhukti, check to see if the Dasa/Bh...

Rahu/Venus Conjunction in Paula Abdul's Vedic Astrology Chart

Julie Paula Abdul Date and Time of Birth: June 19, 1962 14:32 (2:32 PM; PTD -7:00) Place of Birth: Los Angeles, CA Paula Abdul is a famous American singer. She is a prime example of a person having a Rahu-Venus combination. According to Barbara Pijan Lama, Rahu- Venus gives “amplified beauty, pleasure, and wealth – an exotic (and perhaps notorious) love life”; as well as “exotic appetites of the physical body (addictions, excessive pleasures)”. For one thing we know she has beauty and wealth, no questions asked. As for a notorious love life, this comes along with being famous. In Paula’s case, she unfortunately is not the exception and has had two failed marriages which did not make it past the two-year mark. What are the reasons for this? If we take a look at her chart things seem to be somewhat clear-cut. Her 7thlord of relationships Jupiter is in the 6th house of obstacles. Its despositor (lord of that house) Saturn is with the nodes of the moon, Ketu and Rahu...

Malavya Yoga - Gianni Versace's Vedic Birth Chart

Gianni Versace December 2, 1946 Approx. 5:30 A.M. (tentatively rectified by Monica) Reggio Calabria, Italy   Gianni Versace was an extremely talented and sought-after Italian fashion designer.  He had many celebrity friends, including Madonna, Elton John, Princes of Wales, and Sting among many others.  He was openly gay with his partner Antonio D’Amico.  Unfortunately, he was shot to death in front of his Miami Beach mansion by Andrew Cunanan at the age of 50 (Wikipedia, 2013). These are only a few of the details that encompassed his life, and they don’t begin to describe his true talent and passion for beauty, art, fashion, and everything that is of a Venusian nature. Astrodatabank ( gives the time of his birth as 6:00 A.M. giving it a Rodden Rating of AA, which means extreme accuracy since it is based on the person’s birth certificate. However, the reason I’m writing this article is because I do not actually agree with t...