There is a lot of contradiction on how divisional charts are used in Jyotish. Some astrologers only look at the sign a planet is placed in. They then look at the lord of that sign and see if it is strong or weak in the Rasi chart. However, they claim that Yogas and Aspects are not to be used in divisional charts. This is one section that I strongly disagree with. And I abide by my teacher, James Kelleher, in the way he uses divisional charts. A divisional chart should be read exactly like a birth chart, but in relation to the particular chart you are looking at. So if you are looking a the Navamsha, it stands for spouse. If you are looking at the D-7 chart, it stands for children. If you are looking at the D-10 chart it stands for career. So the particular Yoga in the chart will focus in on only that area of your life. Let us take an example at why we analyze a divisional chart just as we analyze a Rasi chart, including Yogas and asp...
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