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Showing posts from April, 2018

Karka (Cancer) Personality Traits

Karka is a water sign ruled by the Moon. Being a water sign, they tend to be emotional in their approach to life. Karka people tend to be more subjective than objective, and they know how to read and understand emotions very well because they naturally resonate strongly on that level. They are typically intuitive and imaginative. Karka is sensitive, and sometimes hypersensitive, taking things too personally sometimes. This may cause moodiness, and sometimes it may lead to sulk and play emotional games with others, especially a significant other. It is difficult for Karka to let go of things, leading them to hold on to grudges for a very long time. However, the Karka person with the Ashlesha Nakshatra influence is more prone to this kind of behavior. Being the emotional types, Karka tends to get attached to people and things very deeply. You can count on them to be loyal and faithful to the end. Since they are sensitive, they tend to sympathize profoundly with others. They are very...

Rohini Nakshatra Personality Traits and Symbolism

Rohini is the fourth Nakshatra out of the twenty-seven constellations. The Moon rules this Nakshatra, and it resides entirely in the sign of Taurus from 10*-23.20*. Since Venus rules the sign of Taurus, Rohini has substantial Venus/Moon qualities in its nature. Both of these planets are female, and therefore Rohini is a feminine Nakshatra. Brahma is the deity which rules Rohini Nakshatra. Brahma is the creator of the universe in the Hindu Trinity mythology (while Vishnu is the sustainer, and Shiva is the destroyer). Rohini is a very creative and artistic Nakshatra. People with focal planets here, such as the Lagna, Moon, Sun, or Lagna lord, tend to be very artistically inclined. These people are usually involved in music, dance, theater, painting, or any other expressive and creative pursuit. Rohini is an auspicious Nakshatra for fertility, and getting pregnant. If the 5th lord, Jupiter or the Moon, or another critical planet, is placed in Rohini, then the Dasha (Major planetary cyc...

Mithuna (Gemini) Personality Traits

Mithuna is an air sign ruled by the planet Mercury.  Being the third sign of the zodiac, Mithuna is connected symbolically to the third house of Vedic Astrology, which is a Kama house ( Read: The Four Aims of Life The Purusharthas ).  Kama houses are 3, 7, and 11th house.  These are the desire houses.  Thus, Mithuna has an intense desire nature. Mithuna is flirtatious, loving, relational, easy-going, and sensuous.  However, they can be fickle in relationships because they can get bored very quickly.  But they do not just get bored in relationships; they quickly get bored with pretty much everything. Mithuna need A LOT of mental stimulation to keep them interested, and this also goes without saying in relationships. Mithuna are always processing information.  They need to be working on several different projects at once to be mentally satisfied.  They need several irons in the fire in order to fight boredom.  However, sometimes they may hav...

Vrishabha (Taurus) Personality Traits

Vrishabha is an earth sign ruled by the planet Venus.  It is the second sign of the zodiac, which is symbolically related to the second house of Vedic Astrology, an Artha house ( Read: The Four Aims of Life: The Purusharthas ).  Thus, just like the other Artha houses and signs, Vrishabha has a strong sense and connection to the financial and material aspect of life.  As a result, they tend to be good with finances.  One of their goals in life is to have economic prosperity and security, and the Vrishabha person has critical lessons to learn about money in this life. Being ruled by Venus, Vrishabha like their surroundings to be aesthetically pleasing.  In this sense they can be very creative and artistic, having a good eye for color and being natural musicians. Vrishabha loves pleasures of all kinds.  Delights can range from enjoying luxurious comforts to good food and wine, to being very earthy, sensuous and tactile.  As a result, this can lead a Vr...

Mesha (Aries) Personality Traits

Mesha is a fire sign ruled by the planet Mars. It is the first sign of the zodiac, which is symbolically related to the first house of Vedic Astrology, a Dharma house (Read The Four Aims of Life: The Purusharthas).  Thus, just like the other Dharma houses and signs, Mesha people feel they have a strong sense of purpose to fulfill in life. People with this sign strong in their charts will have a strong sense of self and individuality. They will want to be first in everything they do, so they tend to be very competitive. They have a lot of energy, strength, will-power, and strong desires. Mesha people love action and have a strong desire to help others less fortunate.  They like to have a story in life and be the hero of that story, and one of the ways of doing this is through fighting for the underdog.  Mesha loves getting involved in causes and helping the oppressed in one way or another.  This involvement is their noble way of coming to the rescue and being chi...

Saturn and Mercury conjoined in Vedic Astrology

When Saturn and Mercury conjoin in a chart, it helps the person communicate in a patient and organized manner. The person tends to speak slowly and deliberately, and sometimes people may mistake this slowness for some lack of intelligence, but that is not the case. In fact, Saturn helps the person persevere and go much deeper in thought on any given subject. This conjunction makes the person quite intelligent, and they usually do very well in an academic setting. Their ability to shine academically is because there is a higher capacity for concentration. Saturn’s restrictive energy tends to help the intellect fine-tune and focus with laser-like ability. This conjunction also makes the person a good writer, but Saturn will tend to make the person overthink things too much and cause writer’s block. Saturn is the perfectionist, and it wants everything concise, organized, and methodical. Instead of pouring out their ideas as they come to them, and writing nonstop, they analyze and scrut...

Fashion Me According to Your Divine Will

Oh my most precious Lord, create and mold me according to Your Divine Will.  I beseech you to transform me and make me more similar to Your divine essence. Fashion me according to Your Desire. It is true that we become like that which we love. Teach me to love You more dearly and passionately that I may become more like You. You are infinite, boundless, eternal bliss, without attributes. How can I, who am less than a worm compared to Your greatness, desire to become like You? I cannot fathom it, my God, but you are mysterious in Your ways. Deepen my aspiration and longing to know You a little more than I knew You yesterday. Deepen my love and passion for your eternal Being, and guide me in all ways.  Fashion me according to Your Divine Will. Make known to me in Your mystical way what You desire that I should become. Let Your Will be done, my most precious Lord, and transform me as You desire and when You desire. Teach me to be Your servant and to follow your holy ways. ...

The Art of Living

Lord, sometimes we wander aimlessly throughout life without knowing what our true purpose in life really is. Each time we accomplish a certain goal we are not as happy as we initially thought we would be. We want more. Usually our goals consist of material things, such as for money, pleasures, adventures, and so on. Our goals are usually ego-oriented. However, we sometimes forget that You are our true goal in life. The reason we are on this Earth is to learn more about You and Your Holy Ways. We forget this because we get caught up in earthly pursuits that do not bring any lasting satisfaction. And how can these things bring any satisfaction if our only true satisfaction is You, Lord? Teach us how to seek You in everything we do. It does not really matter what our earthly pursuit in this life is as long as we surrender the results to You. It is not following earthly pursuits that is the problem. The problem is that we neglect to revert everything back to You and to give You t...

Rising Above Earthly Desires

Lord, many times we aspire towards you and desire spiritual and divine things.  But even though our intentions may be good, we nevertheless fall back towards our old tendencies and desires. But please don’t judge us too harshly, Lord.  You are infinite love, goodness, and compassion.  You do not need to judge us because that is not part of your essence. We cannot help it sometimes.  We have accumulated such habits over countless eons, and we oscillate between trying to reach divinity and going back to our earthly attachments. However, our desires to aspire towards You are still there.  We thirst for spiritual things. We crave divine love.  That is why we acquire deep attachments to earthly loves, because deep in our hearts there is a divine yearning for You, my Lord.  We confuse that yearning we have thinking earthly things will satisfy it.  But You are the only one who can satisfy the deep yearnings of our hearts. We need to first ri...

Lord Teach us Detachment

Lord, in many of your sacred scriptures and religious teachings of various religions you teach us about detachment.  You gives us clues about a higher life and a lofty spiritual world which could be our domain a future spiritual life if only we could learn how to be detached. But what does detachment mean?  To what is it referring?  What exactly are we supposed to be detached from? Lord, you teach us that we are supposed to be detached from everything.  Everything literally means everything.  Material, emotional, and temporal things are what you tell us, Lord, that we should be detached from.  You teach us in your spiritual teachings that we ought to detach our minds and hearts for things of this world.  Things that belong to temporal reality. What is temporal reality?  Everything that is bound by time.  Things that have a beginning and an end.  Lord, you teach us that we should detach our minds from thinking too deeply abou...

Do not put Wisdom in a Box

Divine wisdom comes in all shapes and forms.  There is no one right way to divine wisdom and knowledge.  There are many paths.  What does your heart tell you? Whatever your heart tells you then follow that path.  Do not let others make that choice for you.  You must make that choice yourself in an intelligent way. There are many churches and religions that say theirs is the only path to God, or the only right way to salvation or what not.  I think it is sad to put God in a box and say that there is only ONE way to reach Him.  God is infinite, eternal, without attributes, and impossible to describe in words.  So how could one religion or church claim that theirs is the only path? Follow your heart.  Wisdom can be found in ANY religion or church.  Unfortunately, sometimes religions are judged based on the actions of individuals who follow those religions.  Do no focus on the individuals.  Focus on the sacred writ...

Other’s Religious Beliefs

Lord, it pains my heart when there are mean comments regarding the religious beliefs of others.  Some comments are so hurtful it breaks my heart.  Dear God, you made many religious paths on this Earth that man may seek You and find You in his own way. We are all different, Lord, and You have a deep understanding about this. You made us all very different. We all have different digestive systems, and you cannot feed the same food to all Your children. Food that you feed to some will not be easily digestible by others. Lord, gives us light and truth that we may be able to accept others’ religious beliefs without judging them. Most of us do not even know the scriptures of those religious beliefs, and yet we judge based on a random internet article that condemns such and such religion, or based on the harsh condemnation of our own religion against those of others. Lord, Your Truth comes in all forms. But some of your children think theirs is the only way, the only pat...

The Law of One – The Moment Contains Love ❤

10.14 Questioner: For general development [of the] reader of this book, could you state some of the practices or exercises to perform to produce an acceleration toward the Law of One? Don questions Ra on what practices can more quickly lead us to The Law of One.  Ra: I am Ra. Exercise One. This is the most nearly centered and usable within your illusion complex. The moment contains love. That is the lesson/goal of this illusion or density. The exercise is to consciously seek that love in awareness and understanding distortions. The first attempt is the cornerstone. Upon this choosing rests the remainder of the life-experience of an entity. The second seeking of love within the moment begins the addition. The third seeking powers the second, the fourth powering or doubling the third. As with the previous type of empowerment, there will be some loss of power due to flaws within the seeking in the distortion of insincerity. However, the conscious statement of self to self of th...